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Our mission is to promote a healthy Wyoming. The means in which we fulfill our mission are by creating a forum for discussion of public health issues, enhancing health consciousness through leadership in public health activities, and promoting the professional growth of our members.

Board Members


We are an entirely volunteer-run nonprofit organization. Members of the Board of Directors work with additional WPHA members to accomplish the organization's mission via the following committees. Interested in joining a committee?

Sign up through our contact us page!


Public Policy

The public policy committee is responsible for establishing and managing the process for soliciting, reviewing, editing, and presenting position papers and resolution for the Board or Association approval as well as guiding the implementation of these after their adoption. This committee leads and coordinates the Association's efforts regarding local, state, and federal health policy.


Annual Meeting

The annual meeting committee is responsible for planning, coordinating, budgeting, and evaluating all aspects of the association's annual meeting.

Virtual Lesson

Outreach and Education

The outreach and education is responsible for coordinating outreach, marketing, and education of the association to fulfill the mission.  This committee maintains the website, coordinates newsletters, and develops public information for the association.

Holding Hands Up High


The Membership Committee has the responsibility to conduct membership drives and outreach for recruitment purposes and coordinates all activities relating to membership services.

Public Health Nursing

The Public Health Nursing committee's goal is to have an active and engaging role in WPHA. According to the American Public Health Association Nursing Section, the definition of public health nursing is 'the practice of promoting and protecting the health of populations using knowledge from nursing, social, and public health sciences. 

Vote Boxes


The nomination committee is responsible for soliciting nominations for elected officers and annual awards.

P.O. Box 20804

Cheyenne, WY 82003

A logo with a series of lines that are in the shape of a mountain range followed by the letters W P H A and the words Wyoming Publi Health Association across the bottom
a logo of a circle made up of six segments each a different color followed by the letters A P H A
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