Our doors are open to anyone engaged or interested in Public Health in Wyoming. As a Wyoming Public Health Association member, you’ll have exposure to a vibrant network of public health professionals along with a wealth of knowledge and experience you can’t find anywhere else. Our community is tight-knit, but incredibly welcoming.
Membership Options
Member Benefits
Membership Benefits include:
a unified voice to promote public health values, science, and practices
registration discounts at our annual education conference
quarterly electronic newsletter
professional development
networking activities
membership directory
listserv on public health policy
access to information on emerging public health issues, practice, and policies,
education and training opportunities
advocacy on well-reasoned policy – locally, statewide, and nationally
a bridge to address unmet needs by interacting with our varied partners across the range of public health disciplines
acknowledgement of excellence in and contributions to the field through member leadership awards
participation in National Public Health Week.